Friday, October 16, 2015

Product review: Invtepy Smart Watch Electrocardiogram

The package includes a watch and a charging station. The instructions say that a long push on the home button on the side is supposed to turn on the watch. After charging the watch for 24 hours and trying many different long holds I could not turn this watch on. My husband also gave it a try with the same lack of success.

When the watch is charging I can get the watch to respond with "Welcome" screen and see a battery showing animation, so I know the watch and the battery are communicating and the watch is being charged. However, I never got to watch to work. The home button is the smaller button on the side. The bigger button (where a crown is positioned on other watches) is actually the camera.

I got the black stainless steel band. It looks attractive, but thinner than any other watch I have with a stainless steel band, so they are lighter than a typical watch with stainless bracelet.

I received this watch from Invtepy for testing and review as part of the new product introduction. Getting a free product does not effect what I say, my review is purely based on my experience with the product. And this watch has been a disappointment. I am including the video which shows the watch being charged and my attempts to turn it on. I also included a picture of the watch on my husband's arm to show the relative size.

You can find it by following this link

AshopZones review ★☆☆☆☆

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Product review: Jackery Titan Premium Travel Charger 18000mAh

' size: 5 7/8" x 3 1/4" x 3/4"

' weight: 15.65 oz

' number of ports: 2 ports

' flashlight: no

' cables: 1 charging cable

This external battery performed pretty well for charging both my Android phone and Apple iPadMini tablet. iPad Mini performed in line with the best external batteries I have tried, and Nexus phone did very well on one port and slightly worse on the second port.

To see how well different chargers and external batteries charge my mobile devices I use a Nexus phone and an iPadMini to test each of them. The current drawn from the battery depends on each device using the battery. The port rated with maximum capacity of 2A does not always deliver 2A, what is actually delivered is controlled by the device based on many factors such running apps, level of charge, and so forth. I always use the same two devices and I do my tests with the devices charged to the same level, running the same applications and using the same cables to keep everything the same. This allows me to do a relative comparison of each battery and identify the ones that do not perform well. Note that these tests are not testing for the maximum current each device can draw on each port as neither of my devices can max out the port.

I check if the cable that came with the battery is a charging cable (i.e. capable of charging at full AC rate or if charges at slower USB rate). This is easy to tell by using a current monitor and I happy to report that this package includes a charging cable that works at AC rate.

Samsung Nexus phone:


port 1: 1.00A / 5.05V (excellent comparing the performance of the same device with other chargers)

port 2: 0.84A / 5.01V (below the best, but above USB rate)

(for comparison the best charging monitor result for this phone is 1.00A/5V)

As noted above these tests are not designed to test the maximum capacity of the port, so 2A port not showing 2A is not an indication of a problem

iPad Mini tablet:


port 1: 0.83A / 5.00V (typical for 1 A port)

port 2: 1.43A / 5.09V (excellent comparing the performance of the same device with other chargers)

(for comparison the best charging monitor result for this tablet is 1.70A/5V)

The battery has a nice capacity and fast charging rate for both Android and Apple devices

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

AshopZones review ★★★★★

Monday, October 12, 2015

Product review: OMEGA 3 FISH OIL by Hamilton Group comparison with Natue Made Triple Omega

I have been taking Nature Made Triple Omega since 2011 on the recommendation of my eye doc for dry eyes. He told me to take two Triple Omega capsules daily (about 1800 mg of omega oil daily). The change has been measurable, my eyes feel much better. When I first started taking Omega three to aid dry eyes I was a sceptic about its effects, but I am not a sceptic any more!

For the past few weeks I have switched from One Nature Made Triple Omega to Hamilton Healthcare Omega.

Here is side by side comparison

One Nature Made Triple Omega softgel contains

' Omega-3 434 mg

' Omega-6 276 mg

' Omega-9 170 mg

total 880 mg

Each capsule is 1200 mg, which means Omega-3 content is 73%

One Hamilton Healthcare recommended daily dose is three softgels, and the labels info is provided for daily dose of three capsules. To make it easier to compare with Triple Omega I am dividing the labels info given for three capsules by three:

' EPA 300 mg (EPA is Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid)

' DHA 200 mg (DHA docosahexaenoic acid)

' Other Omega 50

total 550 mg

Each capsule is 1000 mg, which means Omega-3 content is 55% and the filler ingredient are 45%. This is the reason why the recommended dose is three capsules rather than two capsules.

At the time I write this review Nature Made Triple Omega contains 180 gel caps and is priced at $23.50 (0.13 cents per capsule) with a daily dose cost of 0.25 cents. Hamilton Healthcare Omega contains 180 softgels is priced $29.97 (0.16 cents per capsule) and a daily dose 0.48 cents. The size of the one softgel of Nature Made Triple Omega is the same as one softgel of Hamilton Healthcare Omega.

The need for three capsules puts it below Nature Made Triple Omega for me.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

AshopZones review ★★★☆☆

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Product review: Jackery Crew 5-Port High Speed USB Charging Hub

' size: 2 1/2" x 3 3/4" x 1 1/8"

' weight: 6 oz

' number of ports: 5 ports

' cables: AC port is 54.5"

The best chargers have a smart chip in them which charges all devices to their optimal charge on every port. This charger does not have this chip. This charger performs very well for my Apple iPadMini tablet. For Android phone it works, but does not charge the phone as fast as other chargers. I captured results of the tests in attached photos for those who are interested in the details of the tests.

To see how well different chargers and external batteries charge my mobile devices I use a Nexus phone and an iPadMini to test each of them. The current drawn from the battery depends on each device using the battery. The port rated with maximum capacity of 2A does not always deliver 2A, what is actually delivered is controlled by the device based on many factors such running apps, level of charge, and so forth. I always use the same two devices and I do my tests with the devices charged to the same level, running the same applications and using the same cables to keep everything the same. This allows me to do a relative comparison of each charger and identify the ones that do not perform well. Note that these tests are not testing for the maximum current each device can draw on each port as none of my devices can max out the ports.

In addition to testing the devices individually, I tested to see if the charger is capable of charging 5 devices at the same time (2 phones and 3 tablets). I monitored each device with the current monitor and I saw that each devices was drawing the same amount of current when it was the only device charging as when it was one of 5 devices charging. This is good.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

AshopZones review ★★★★☆

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Product review: VonHaus Compact Portable 2L Dehumidifier

VonHaus Dehumidifier is 13" tall and 8.5" wide. Its best feature is that it very quiet because it does not have a compressor, the worst feature is that it is not as effective in removing humidity as a humidifier with a compressor. Both are not surprising and stem from the technology used in this unit.

To see how effective VonHaus dehumidifier is I tested in our basement, where we use a standard 50 Pint dehumidifier which fills its entire bucket in several days. I turned off the large dehumidifier and left VonHaus Dehumidifier there for 60 hours. After 60 hours the reservoir of the unit had a couple of inches of water (see video). I can fill the 67 oz reservoir in 1 week. So it works but removes modest amount of humidity. However it is wisper quiet compared to our large dehumidifier.

VonHaus dehumidifier is quiet and light because it uses thermoelectric method called Peltier. In 1834 Jean Peltier noticed that when electrical current is applied to the junction of two different metals the heat is removed from one of the metals and transferred to the other. This is the main principal of thermoelectric cooling (and known as Peltier effect). The dehumidifier has cooling unit which is constructed from tiny metal cubes made from different metals. As electricity passes through the junctions between the cubes the heat is transferred and a fan vents the heat outside, a small amount of moisture is removed from the air in this process and condensed and this is the water we see in the reservoir of the unit.

For this unit to work, it has to be turn on continuously and it removes a fairly small amount of moisture from the air. It is very quiet, and if you need to remove only a small amount of humidity in a small space it will do the job. If don't expect the same performance as from a humidifier with a compressor you will not have an unpleasant surprise. For a Peltier humidifier to become effective it needs to work for a while, so you might be disappointed if you are looking to use it for short periods of time (like using in a bathroom during showers).

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

AshopZones review ★★★★☆

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Product review: Lelec 7" Car GPS Navigation

As I write this review I have been using Lelec GPS for three weeks. It has many weaknesses (details below) and one key strength (the maps and the navigation itself). As I used it I found a way to solve the problem with the poor screen visibility in the sun which raised my overall experience to good. Note: the seller offers two products in this listing, I am reviewing the one without the rear camera.

As a background for this review I am a very experienced GPS user. We purchased our first GPS in 1999 and between my husband and I had chance to use a large number GPS units over the last 16 years. How does this GPS stack up? It is NOT the best navigation system out there, but it has several features that I do like. I hope the pluses and minuses I describe will help you in your decision of this GPS unit is a good match for your needs.

The best feature of this GPS unit are the good maps (provided by TomTom and dated June 2014). The weakest points are the user interface, which is uses the old technology for resistive touch screen and the screen visibility in the sun. The unit also includes several very outdated and primitive apps which decrease the overall impression of the unit, but they are optional so one can just ignore them.



1. The maps are fairly current (June 2014). The display shows 3-D like rending of the turns which helps to orient yourself in a complex intersections.

2. A 7" screen is large and easy to see even for someone with imperfect vision. The screen looks washed in the sun, good in the shade, and is superb during the night. My video shows the display as we drive under different conditions. I found a work around for the poor screen visibility in the sun by changing where I mount the screen. Instead of using the mount that comes with the GPS I mounted it using a Command hook and "TABI-Stretch it on!" mount over the screen of my car's built-in GPS. The maps on the built-in GPS are now out of date and TomTom maps are significantly better. Mounting GPS in this position puts the screen in the shade, gives me a great angle and does not block visibility out of the window (but does block the car's radio as well the old GPS screen). At the end of the video I have several shots of how Lelec GPS is mounted in my car.

3. The navigation system does not require cell coverage. Our favorite navigation system at this time is Google Navigation but it requires cell coverage, which means it does not work in some rural areas where we like to travel on weekend. There is no such restriction using Lelec system. Google navigation has a street view which allows you to see the actual street and buildings this feature is not available through TomTom maps used by Lelec.

4. The speaker is good. It has a good volume level and has a large selection of male and female voices to choose from. All of them sound natural, not like a robot. I include voice directions in my video with the volume set to MAX.

5. Destination can be saved to "Favorites". It is easy to do with just a few keystrokes (my video clip includes an example).

6. You can change units from metric (default) to miles. By default the GPS is set to metric measures.



1. The touch screen uses the old resistive touch technology, where you need to press the screen very hard. If you are used to touch screens on the smart phone this type of the touch screen feels unresponsive.

On the positive side this touch screen user interface is easier to use than a joystick interface, you can enter destination by typing on the keyboard keyboard when entering destinations.

2. The screen is hard to see in the sun. The image looks very washed out and it is hard to read labels. The screen looks much better in the shade or in the dark. I was able to solve this by moving the GPS below the dashboard, but this may not work for some people as it covers the radio.

3. Screen does not rotate, you need to mount one specific way

4. Amazon description says the US maps are current as of 2015. The software says the maps are current as of June 2014.

5. There an option for traffic notification, however when we ran Google Navigation and Lelec at the same time Google was generating traffic warnings and Lelec did not. The overall result was that Lelec route took longer than Google route. In general, Google Navigation calculations of our arrival time were more accurate over a number of different trips we did with both GPS doing the routing.

6. In the navigation software there is information on how to get updates. When I went to that web site I had to enter the brand name of the GPS and Lelec did not match any of the devices for which I could get updates.

To see the web site where you can get updates: Show map - Destination - More - Updates and extras. When I contacted the vendor he told me that updates can be obtained by calling the Chinese company that manufactured the GPS. So I am not counting on getting updates.

7. In addition to the Navigation app this unit has a sreen full of other apps. All of them are very primitive and fall short of expectations for anyone who used similar apps on a smart phone. I don't plan on using them.

The strongest feature of this GPS is the map and the navigation. This is the most important part of the product, so even though it has a number of short comings this is a reasonable option for a GPS system if travel in areas without cell coverage or don't have a cell phone that can do Google navigation.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

AshopZones review ★★★★☆

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Product review: Koram Multi-function 9.6" LED Clock Countdown Timer

This clock is 9" wide, 3.25" tall and 2.125" thick. Each number is 2.125" tall and each line in number is 0.25" thick. It can be seen from a distance even by someone without perfect vision. The clock takes a back up battery, which saves the time when the clock loses power. The back up battery is a button cell battery (CR2032) which is included.

On the negative side, the instructions are not very clear and it takes some experimenting to figure out how set the clock. One thing that makes documentation confusing is that the documentation describes three different clocks referring them as "first generation", "second generation" and "third generation". I was not sure what I had but since the description of the third generation was the only one that reference the remote control and my clock has a remote control I figured that's what I have.

One thing that really helped me is to figure out how to reset the clock (as my first attempt was wrong). You can reset the clock by pushing a pin into a reset hole in the back. This lets you start over.

When documentation says "turn key "5" to TESET", they refer to the slide control and position labelled "T-SET". In T-set position you can set the time my pressing up or down buttons to set hours, minutes and seconds and use mode button to advance to the next setting.

To set the count down you need to click "mode" button when the slide control is in the "normal". This will allow you to set the count down time which starts with hours, then minutes, then seconds. When you set the duration and hit mode button again the display will display "CD __". If you hit up button it will turn the count down on (down turns the count down off) and then display changes to "CD ON". The final step is to hit the Snooze button, which starts the count down. Note that when the time goes down to zero the clock does not make any sound. I would have liked it to beep to let me know that the time expired.

Snooze button has many functions not just Snooze. In addition to starting the count down, if you touch Snooze while the clock is displayed time of the day it will change to show the temperature reading and then the date. The temperature is shown in Celsius and the date is shown in the European format. I have not found a way to change the temperature or date format.

The remote controls allows to change all settings by using the remote control rather than the buttons on the back of the clock. It is slightly more convenient because you can see the clock face while making the changes. The remote runs on two AAA batteries, which are not included.

Overall, nice big display, but the interface to various functions is not intuitive and not well documented.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

AshopZones review ★★★★☆