I was a fairly late convert to Crocs. I have not had a pair until two years ago. I bought them to wear around the house during the winter. I have had a number of shearing (lamb wool + leather) clogs, but these Mammoth Clogs turned out to be warmer. I did not realize that plastic/rubber shoe is such a good insulator. In addition to being warm they are extremely comfortable and durable. It is also possible to remove the liner and wash it. The liner held up well through several washes so far. It is attached to the clog by a couple of snaps and snaps right back on to the clog after the wash.
I am attaching a collage of two photos which shows the top and the bottom of the clog, as ell the fit of the clog on my foot. I can't be more pleased with them.
You can find it on Amazon by following this link.AshopZones review ★★★★★