As the top three gaming giants are still fighting it out between each other (Playstation, Xbox and the Nintendo Wii) there was one clear winner in January with the Nintendo Wii taking just over 52% of the gaming revenue.
Completely outselling its competitors with around 679,200 units sold in January, the Nintendo Wii is proving to be the nation’s favourite console. The Nintendo DS was second in January selling close to 510,800 units and the Xbox 360 selling 309,000 units. The Playstation 3 failed to make the top 3 by selling only 203,200 units.
Although the Nintendo Wii is expensive, it is not as expensive as the other two main consoles which I feel could be a contributing factor to the massive success it is having. Also, most of the games that are currently out on the Nintendo Wii are designed for user interaction and for groups of people. In my opinion this is something that the other consoles lack and gives the Wii a great advantage.
Although the Nintendo Wii may be lacking slightly in the graphics department compared to the other big consoles at the moment, it definitely makes up for it in the entertainment factor. With so many great games available at a fairly reasonable price it is no wonder this console is outselling the others by thousands.
Along with the actual console, there are now many add-ons for the Wii, such as the Wii Fit. The Wii fit was one of the biggest selling games in Christmas 2008 and is still selling in massive numbers even now.
If you are looking to buy a console this year I really would recommend the Nintendo Wii. Not only are you getting a great console but also the opportunity for other great games such as the Wii Fit. If you shop online to find one of these you can save yourself a packet as there are many great games available.