Showing posts with label Nintendo Wii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nintendo Wii. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nintendo Wii is the Favourite Console for January

nintendo wii gaming console
As the top three gaming giants are still fighting it out between each other (Playstation, Xbox and the Nintendo Wii) there was one clear winner in January with the Nintendo Wii taking just over 52% of the gaming revenue.

Completely outselling its competitors with around 679,200 units sold in January, the Nintendo Wii is proving to be the nation’s favourite console. The Nintendo DS was second in January selling close to 510,800 units and the Xbox 360 selling 309,000 units. The Playstation 3 failed to make the top 3 by selling only 203,200 units.

Although the Nintendo Wii is expensive, it is not as expensive as the other two main consoles which I feel could be a contributing factor to the massive success it is having. Also, most of the games that are currently out on the Nintendo Wii are designed for user interaction and for groups of people. In my opinion this is something that the other consoles lack and gives the Wii a great advantage.

Although the Nintendo Wii may be lacking slightly in the graphics department compared to the other big consoles at the moment, it definitely makes up for it in the entertainment factor. With so many great games available at a fairly reasonable price it is no wonder this console is outselling the others by thousands.

Along with the actual console, there are now many add-ons for the Wii, such as the Wii Fit. The Wii fit was one of the biggest selling games in Christmas 2008 and is still selling in massive numbers even now.

If you are looking to buy a console this year I really would recommend the Nintendo Wii. Not only are you getting a great console but also the opportunity for other great games such as the Wii Fit. If you shop online to find one of these you can save yourself a packet as there are many great games available.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nintendo Wii - How to Find One For Less

Information on how anyone can acquisition a Cheap Nintendo Wii Animate or Nintendo Wii Amateur and Accessories. Learn about affairs tips and area to get the best prices.
So you are attractive for a Nintendo Wii Console, or maybe aloof some Nintendo Wii Accessories. This commodity will appearance you the best places to acquisition these items at the amount you are attractive for. Now afore we begin, apperceive that the artefact you are attractive for is in hot demand. Nationwide, the Nintendo Wii bold animate has become such a aberration that they are abutting to non-existant in the non-internet retail world. Below I will attack to accord you some tips for award the Wii you are attractive for at the amount you want.

1. Fish area the fishes are. What is meant by this is that in adjustment to acquisition a nintendo wii, don't aloof go to places you anticipate they ability be at and accomplish a cruise to your bounded Walmart or Fred Meyer. Go online to a website that specializes in affairs video bold systems such as the Nintendo Wii. By accomplishing this you will accretion an arbitrary advantage over others analytic aimlessly, hunting and pecking through the awash curve allurement the sales agent the aforementioned catechism bags accept asked him before.

2. Don't be abashed to buy additional hand. If you absolutely appetite a Cheap Nintendo Wii and you don't appetite to wait, this may be a abundant advantage for you. Most bodies adjudge to advertise their wii because of two reasons:

A. They approved it, and it wasn't for them.

B. They bought it for the sole purpose of affairs it.

People aren't in the business of affairs burst nintendo wii's. Nintendo wii systems are absolute abiding and they advertise bigger aback they work. Most generally a being wouldn't accident their acceptability by affairs a artificial unit.

3. Apprehend the accomplished print. If you are affairs additional duke on about like ebay or craigslist, be abiding that you apperceive absolutely what you are buying. Don't be abashed to ask questions, if they aren't answered, again you apparently don't appetite to buy the product. All too generally addition buys a artefact on ebay and they acquisition out they bought the "case" of article rather than the absolute unit. Simply stated, apprehend what they are selling.

4. Go to websites that anon accord in affairs Cheap Nintendo Wii consoles or Cheap Nintendo Wii games. If they specialize in it, there charge be a reason. And affairs are, they will accept artefact to aback it up.

5. Be accomplished on the product. Visit online forums, apprehend accessories and get a acceptable abstraction of how abundant an account like this should cost. Determine aloof how abundant you absolutely appetite to pay for your Cheap Nintendo Wii product. The added you know, the bigger decsions you will accomplish forth the way.

These are aloof some simple account to appraise aback affairs a Cheap Nintendo Wii Console, Cheap Nintendo Wii Amateur or Accessories. If you are attractive for an accomplished price, accomplish abiding you apperceive what you are affairs and whether or not you've anticipation it through abundant to accomplish a astute affairs decision.

Jason is the owner of website about Nintendo Wii for more ifno about Nintendo Wii and free newsletter!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Nintendo Wii is for All Age Groups

nintendo wii gaming systemThe Wii is much smaller than what most people expect it to be. It is smooth, distinctive and looks good. The Wii-mote, as the remote is referred to, is easy to use once you are familiar with the keys. The Nunchuck control is also good when you connect it to the Wii-mote for playing the games included with the system. You can buy additional games when you wish to do so. The sensor bar is very easy to set up and the entire setup doesn't take long to start gaming. The Wii comes with owner manuals and it is recommended that you go through the manuals so that you understand the system well enough to get the most out of it.

When you start playing the Wii games you will find that they require some physical participation from you. This is because of the motion-sensor technology built into the controller. This enables you to play, for example a game of tennis, using the Wii-mote as a tennis racket. The classic Wii controller is sold separately.

Playing the Wii games will enable you to get into shape, and stay that way. You may select the games you enjoy playing for regular exercise such as tennis, bowling, and boxing. The Wii includes a fitness age test for assessing your physical condition after a few rounds of some of the games included. The Wii assesment takes into consideration your speed, balance, reaction, timing as well as some other characteristics of your physical dexterity. If you play with the Wii regularly, your fitness will definitely improve.

You can connect to Nintendo's website either using wireless (WiFi) or ethernet. Once you are logged in, you will be able to download additional games to your Wii. Using the "Virtual Console" you will be able to use the Wii's backwards capability to play Nintendo's NES games, Super Nintendo games, Sega Master System games and Turbogrfx. You can pay for these games with points purchased with your credit card. Alternatively, you can buy the Nintendo Points cards at your local gaming store or supermarkets such as Walmart or Target, and then redeem these points for games.

Using the Nintendo Wii you can access a weather channel, a voting channel where you can cast your vote on various issues, an Internet channel where you use a web browser to surf the net and you can even register friends and colleagues so that you can email them.

The Nintendo Wii is not just for kids, and is highly recommended for all age groups. Even experienced gamers who have purchased the Nintendo Wii just love it. The Wii is great fun, has vast potential for entertainment. With it's online features, the Wii is a wonderful experience for everyone. If you have been putting off purchasing the Wii or thought that the Wii remote control was not well designed, then you have no idea what you are missing out on. It is best for you to buy the

Wii and try it out yourself.

Gregory Hepburn is a successful Internet marketer and entrepreneur who specializes in content websites. His new website on Nintentendo Wii has been published. Please see for more information.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Nintendo Wii Play along

The importance of entertaining oneself takes on added importance in the present day world. However, the hectic work pressures and deadlines at work give us very little time that we could call our own. In such a situation, technology is coming to our rescue. Modern gadgets are there to help us take our time off the daily rut and recharge ourselves. The Nintendo Wii is one such gadget – gaming console to be more specific - that is having a positive impact on many people in different parts of the world.

As a matter of fact, this console from Nintendo has drastically changed the gaming landscape. Certain factors that are “intrinsic” to the system have made this possible. First and foremost, the gadget is highly interactive and the gamers could be sure of a highly interesting game play, once they opt for the Wii from Nintendo. Secondly, the gadget is very easy to use. One need not be rocket scientist to make the most of the different options that are present.

With this high-end gadget, it is quite easy to spend leisure time with family members and friends, wherein one person of the family is taking on the other in a virtual combat. This exercise becomes all the more interesting as many of the popular games can be played in this highly innovative device. Or, one could challenge friends who could be located at another part of the world to online games using the Wi-Fi connection that is present in the gadget. It is also possible to use the Nintendo Wii to access the internet and surf for information. It is possible to download games of one’s choice using the high-end options that are present for online shopping.

A user could use the Nintendo Wii with a compatible television set. The gadget is slick in profile and stylish in the way it has been designed. It is powered by high-end processors from leading brands and has got the intelligence and technical competence to make many a gaming fantasy see the light of day.

And more and more gaming enthusiasts are realizing this fact and making the most of the slick looks and the advanced capabilities that come with the Nintendo Wii.

About the author
Adam Caitlin is expert author of Telecommunication industry.
Who writes on Mobile Phone, Cheap Mobile Phones, Three Mobile and Nintendo Wii

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nintendo Wii Bundles

nintendo wii
So what exactly is a Nintendo Wii bundle and what are the benefits of buying one? Usually when you buy a gaming console, stores sell you an incomplete package. By incomplete, this means that you will need to buy one or more games and/or accessories before you actually get that amazing gaming experience promised. A Nintendo Wii bundle will include the console and one or more games and/or accessories necessary to enjoy your new console from the start. When you buy a Nintendo Wii bundle you get the complete deal!

For anyone thinking of buying a Nintendo Wii console, it would be a good idea to consider buying it as a bundle for several reasons.
A bundle deal will enable you to plug in and play right away, so you wont have to wait to get started.
Buying as a bundle will also save you money in terms of; if you spend a little more you actually get the games cheaper than the retailer’s usual full selling price. After all you will obviously be buying at least one game to go with your Nintendo Wii. What use would the console be on its own? You could check the bundle price against individual prices to see just how much you could save.
If time is an issue, buying a bundle will also save you hunting around for games or other necessary extra’s, which would otherwise add to the time and hassle spent on the buying process.
Additionally, a Nintendo Wii bundle will give you a great start to building up your library of games.

Where to find Nintendo Wii Bundles

Many large retailers and gaming stores especially, sell Nintendo Wii bundles, all at varying prices depending on how many games or accessories are thrown in with the deal, and each are competing for your business. Often retailers have special offers or reduce prices by just a few pounds to increase sales. This kind of competitiveness is good for the buyer. Online stores are a good place to look for bundle bargains as they do not have as many overheads to cover as with physical stores, so great savings can be found. Also many online stores offer free delivery so, no only will you save time on a shopping trip you won’t have to pay for the privilege either!

There are obviously many benefits of buying a Nintendo Wii as a bundle deal. Its the most cost effective, time saving and hassle free way of buying your new console and will allow you to have the ultimate experience right away. If you are going to buy a Nintendo Wii console, the best advice would be to consider buying a Wii bundle, shop around and compare prices.

To find a good deal on Nintendo Wii Bundles visit: - Your source for an unbiased price comparison for video games consoles in the UK.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

About the Nintendo Wii Controller

nintendo wii ontroller
There are really many different things that you should know about the Nintendo Wii controller, and this is primarily due to the fact that the Nintendo Wii controller is unlike any other controller on the market today in regards to video games. The wireless freehand Nintendo Wii controller not only makes the games themselves easy to play, but as well it makes them more fun than ever before.

More About the Nintendo Wii Controller

As well, there are several different types of the Nintendo Wii controller, such as the nunchuk controller, which, when connected to the Wii remote, allows you to get ready as you are about to begin a journey into the most immersive, heated game play experience ever, and the nunchuk controller and the accelerometer contained within it are truly considered as being the next leap in gaming.

“The nunchuk is in fact the first controller attachment that Nintendo revealed for the Wii remote at the 2005 Tokyo Game Show and what it does is it actually connects to the Wii remote via that of a long cord, and its appearance while attached resembles the nunchaku”
The nunchuk is in fact the first controller attachment that Nintendo revealed for the Wii remote at the 2005 Tokyo Game Show and what it does is it actually connects to the Wii remote via that of a long cord, and its appearance while attached resembles the nunchaku. Basically it features that of an analog stick that is rather similar to that of the one that is found on the Nintendo GameCube controller and two trigger buttons then as well.

Then you also have the option of hooking up a classic controller to the Wii remote, which is easier for many people, especially those that are already used to the classic Nintendo remote, and this also plugs into the Wii remote via a cord, incredibly similar to that of the nunchuk controller.

The classic controller cannot however be used to play games for the Nintendo GameCube, and according to the Nintendo Online Shop, the Classic Controller can only then be used with Virtual Console games and it should also definitely be noted that the GameCube controller can be used instead of the Classic Controller for playing most Virtual Console games, and the classic controller can also be used outside of Virtual Console games too.

There are many different options here that should be known about the Nintendo Wii system in general, and so if you are interested in it then you should definitely check it out further. Just remember to try it out before buying it so that you can see whether you actually like it or not.

Please visit for more articles about Nintendo Wii.

For more information on Nintendo Wii try visiting, a popular website that provides Nintendo Wii tips, advice and resources to include information on the Nintendo Wii System.